We appreciate your support and desire to represent BLNX! Make sure you fill out a BLNX Partner application first so you can get a partner discount on your purchase.

Getting Started

It Hits Different

Its important that our partners experience the difference with BLNX products. Our Dragon Focus formulation is designed to be different than the typical “energy drink” or “pre-workout” experience.

It’s formulated with 6 nootropics that work together to give you a natural heightened focus. Dragon Focus also has a unique energy formula that provides a smooth, no-crash energy without the anxiety.

About the Formula


Streamer Packs

EZ Start Combo

RARE Combo


legendary Combo

Dragon Focus is Much More Than an Energy Drink.

Go ahead and compare our formula. Dragon Focus was designed to help you win the day by delivering fast-acting energy + focus without a crash. Do it for the team.


See you
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